Tool Bar
[Exit] button
This command shuts Makali`i down.
[Open] button
This command opens a new image. Select an image file in the "Open image file" Dialog and click the [Open] button. The selected image file is opened and will be displayed in a new window.
For details see: [Load and Save a image].
[Save] button
This command saves the active image by overwriting the old image file. Choose a file format in the dialog.
For details see: [Load and Save a image].
[Print] button
This command prints the active image.
For details see: [ Print ].
[FITS Header] button
You can view the contents of the FITS image header
For details see: [ FITS header ].
[Trim] button
This command trims the specified area of an image.
For details see: [Process Data] - [Cut].
[Brink] button
This command Displays multiple images alternately to makes the difference between them "blink". This command is useful to find a moving object or a nova.
For details see: [Process DATA] - [Blink].
[Photometry] button
This command add the count value of a specified radius in the image and subtracts the bachground light to determin the brightness of an object "aperture photometry". and average brightness and minimum brightness, maximum brightness of a specified rectangle in the image "rectangle photometry".
Please refer to [Processing]-[Aperture Photometry] and [Processing]-[Rectangle Photometry] for details.
[Astrometry] button
Finds the peak count value (such as a star) in the specified region.
For details see: [Processing]-[Astrometry...]
[Graph] button
This command shows a graph of the count value of a specified line segment.
For details see: Graph Tools.
[Contour] button
This command makes a new window with a contour (isophotes) image of the active image.
For details see: Contour...